Case Study

Radical Results Executive Coaching

$40k in Revenue In Just 4 Months
Revenue in Under 4 months Using just Linkedin
ROI in Just 4 Months

How We Helped Ed create 10x multiple in Revenue & Removing himself From marketing Operations By Using our team to book appointments and develop a streamlined client acquisition process


“This system consistently provides me with prequalified leads. This has made a world of difference and has made me more than 10x on my investment”

- Ed Bohlke / Founder @ Radical Results Coaching
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What does your company do?

Radical Results coaching is an executive coaching company, specializing in performance and executive coaching  essential for companies looking to thrive in today’s rapidly changing and fiercely competitive business climate.

In my work with companies I bring three decades of executive coaching, public speaking and real-world operations experience in organizations ranging from major corporations like Rockwell International and the New York Stock Exchange to technology start-ups.

Where were you before working with Scaled Growth? 

I was running my business purely on referrals for over 20 years. It was time for me to start creating a more consistent growing business and get in front of more people on a weekly basis. Before working with Phil and his team I didn’t have a strategy, I also didn’t want to become a marketer and have more hats in my business.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

I would say the first thing we needed was a specific niche that I knew if Phil got me on the phone with them it was an ideal target. Up until working with him I was serving so many different executives for 20 years so honing in the target and message was one of the first things we worked on together.

What were some big wins that occurred inside your business once we identified these problems?

Outside of 10x’ing my ROI in 4 months, getting my time back and allowing me to be a coach is everything to me in my career. Having a team that does the work, knows what they’re doing has helped me tremendously.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

Before I was tapping into my warm market and doing prospecting by myself which was taking up a bunch of my time. It was slower and less effective.

Now the systems are so dialed in that I just need to show up to prequalified calls and talk to my ideal prospects

What have been the most valuable aspects of working with us?

Having my time back is probably the most important one for me and having a team that does the heavy lifting to book appointments on a consistent basis.

What would you say to someone considering working with Scaled Growth?

If you don’t have a consistent appointment setting system and you need help, get started right away. Him and his team are great to work with and very responsive.

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