Case Study

Digital Prodigee Mobile App Development

$400k in Revenue In 2 Months
Revenue in Under 2 months
ROI in Just 2 Months

How We Helped Dinah create 30x multiple in Revenue by installing a full appointment setting system and team to qualify, set and book appointments.


“We’ve been able to fill up our pipeline and have gotten over 20 consultations a week”

– Dinah Redhouse/ Founder @ Digital Prodigee
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What does your company do?

Digital Prodigee is a mobile application technology company, specializing in building mobile app dreams into a reality for businesses and new startups.

After building my own apps I loved creating passive income streams and wanted to create and build app dreams for others. Now having over a decade of experience in building mobile apps we love making dreams a reality!

Where were you before working with Scaled Growth? 

We had a minimal client acquisition process of referrals and a utilizing warm market for years. We were in need of a system that brought new prospects to the table daily so we can actually scale our revenue.

We had no outbound strategy and didn’t even know how to run a digital marketing campaign before.

What did you immediately recognize that needed fixing inside your business?

The first thing we needed fixed was lead flow, my team and I can build apps but we didn’t know how to do the marketing. Phil and his team provided a robust marketing system so we can hit the ground running and build.

What were some big wins that occurred inside your business once we identified these problems?

He basically fixed our lead and sales process which resulted in 6 figures in under 60 days. He installed an sms, Linkedin, and email outbound system so we can send out targeted messages to ideal prospects by the 1000’s daily. He wrote the sales copy and trained our team to learn how to qualify and close deals.

What are some “Before & After” results in tangible metrics you experienced in your business from working with us?

Before we had a very low volume in prospects, no team, no predictable strategy and low revenue. After we now have software, systems and strategies to print money by turning up the outbound systems that were installed for us.

What have been the most valuable aspects of working with us?

Having access to Phil and his team is invaluable, his insight and strategies have consistently helped us grow and build a cashflow rich business to be able to serve others and make the impact we were wanted to create for so many years.

What would you say to someone considering working with Scaled Growth?

If you need a team of highly trained appointment setters, sales strategists and hand holding along the way this is for you. If you need to scale you revenue and bolt on predictable systems this is for you. If you want a team who cares about your success like they care about their own, this company is for you. They are a mixture of done-for- you and one-with-you at the same time, they are a hybrid solution that puts numbers on the board.

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